วันจันทร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Memory Games - Online and Off

What do you do to stimulate the brain? Research has shown that exercise the brain is as important as exercise your muscles. So, for a full body for good health and well-being is to keep a good idea with the weekly fitness regimen of swimming, yoga, walking, gymnastics for the power (or what ever you do) and brain exercises help his memory. After all, as long as you do the exercises the brain, as long as your brain worksfor you as you age.

What exercises can I do?

Memory Card

If you do not have a computer then, logic puzzles, play Sudoku, Kakuro and paper will keep the mind stimulated. Remember that the memory card game, where to find the pairs and the person with the most pairs wins? You can do this with a normal card game cards or special activities for children to play with a theme to them as Disney characters, musical notes or words. It 'was the game showbased on these.

If you have a computer you can still use the computer not to work, both above and also to go online with the active Internet connection (preferably broadband) and play some mind games .. They provide a perfect mental training.

What types of memory games are available.

Easy 1 Recall: Here you will find the addressing scheme. You can sample a variety of types depending on their interests. Here are two ideas.

Notes a. music: Do you have a specificModels of notes and have to repeat it, if they are taken away or interrupted. This is very popular.
* The model can be attributed to you, you would have them by repeating them, are given.
* The model can be given as an exercise in listening and have to clap or tap back the rhythm. This type of exercise can play music students to support the practical examinations as part of their acoustic tests are given.

If you play a musical instrument, you can create a rhythm and try to. Repeat Or better yet, someone else as a music teacher or a friend to play rhythm for you to play. An extended version of this would be to repeat a melody when you hear it. If you do not play an instrument you could sing a melody.

b. Numbers: You are given a set pattern and I have to repeat it. Some people love, so this would be perfect for her.

2 Flashcard Recall: Here you will find a map with a number 'x' of articles are given to them, and it is necessaryremember how many points on the map as possible once it has been removed. It may (or may not) remember a similar concept, which is played at parties for children, where a tray of objects, you see, for example, for a short time 1 minute and then to remember a note, or all items, if remember. The winner is the one who thought most of the elements.

Some of you may recall, instead of Bruce Forsythe's Generation Game in the seventies. It 'been a game show, preferably by four pairssame family, but to win by two different generations compete for prizes. The winning pair then had a range of prices seen passing on a conveyor belt for a short period. They then had some time to use all the prices that he could remember, once again. What he could remember was the one who went home with him. Just another version of the flash-card recall.

3 Fill in the blanks: Here you can read a story and then fill in the boxes on the next page. This technique is often used in schools toTests and exercises to help with a theme of learning.

These are just some examples. will be longer. So make sure you select the games on your interest, so you can attack. no point in trying to touch the musical version, if you have no idea what love notes and numbers. Each match is level. The higher the level that is more difficult and challenging. Therefore, a great workout for the brain.

You must remember that these games are to helpYour opinion is stimulated. If you think you lose your memory, you should consult a doctor.

Whatever you do in life, please do not stop the exercise of the body after a walk around the block. So you are planning to incorporate them, some puzzles and memory games online and offline in the weekly schedule.

Memory Games - Online and Off

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